B.F.E.45 – JAMES PLOTKIN "The Joy Of Disease Demos + Remixes" LP + CD Out Now!!

B.F.E.45 – JAMES PLOTKIN “The Joy Of Disease Demos + Remixes” LP + CD Out Now!!

B.F.E.45 – JAMES PLOTKIN “The Joy Of Disease Demos + Remixes” LP + CD 300 copies _____________________________ Progression and creativity are keywords regarding James Plotkin’s oeuvre. Beginning with the relentless, ever evolving and hallucinating music of OLD, through his many solo records and collaborations, to the surreal heavy-weight sound of Khanate, he’s always been bound...
B.F.E.44 – WIND ATLAS “An Edible Body” LP (Out now!)

B.F.E.44 – WIND ATLAS “An Edible Body” LP (Out now!)

B.F.E.44 – WIND ATLAS “An Edible Body” LP An Edible Body, Wind Atlas’ new album, marks a turning point in the band’s trajectory. Their third record builds a new space for the band to experiment and play with new sounds and electronic rhythms. Strangely, An Edible Body is the band’s most experimental album and at...
End of the year _ Colin Potter _ Stuff _ Upcoming _ Thanks

End of the year _ Colin Potter _ Stuff _ Upcoming _ Thanks

2017 has been a good year for B.F.E and Abstrakce, we have released 5 lps and 2 cassettes (Vietnam, Glorious Din, Sarin, Colin Potter, Jonas Reinhardt/Jürgen Müller, Material Eléctrico Vol.II) and the reception of the records has been very good. So many thanks for the support to everyone!!! We work quite slow but without stop...
Abst 04 - COLIN POTTER - "The Abominable Slowman" Lp Out Now!

Abst 04 – COLIN POTTER – “The Abominable Slowman” Lp Out Now!

This new release by Colin Potter, “The Abominable Slowman”, is the logical follow-on from his previous 2015 LP “Rank Sonata”. Like that album, there are elements that were recorded many years ago, but this work also contains new music. Again, the emphasis is on rhythm, although the rhythmic components range from conventional drum sounds to...
GLORIOUS DIN & RITUAL VEIL records out now!!!

GLORIOUS DIN & RITUAL VEIL records out now!!!

“AMERICA’S GREATEST UNKNOWN POST PUNK GROUP” “Fronted by an intense singer with an oblique songbook and a mysterious past, Glorious Din were unlike any other group to emerge from San Francisco’s ‘80s underground. David Katz tells the story of Eric Cope, the chosen persona of a Joy Division-obsessed Sri Lankan boy who travelled halfway...
Abstract Trips Vol.6 + Vol.7 (Ensemble Economique + Hiro Kone)

Abstract Trips Vol.6 + Vol.7 (Ensemble Economique + Hiro Kone)

Dos Abstract Trips muy pronto! 27 de Octubre y 2 de noviembre. Programación de lujo como siempre! ——- Two Abstract Trips very soon! 27 October and 2 November. Amazing line-up as usual! Abstract Trips Vol. 6: Ensemble Economique, Bio Nihil, Picabia Abstract Trips Vol. 7: Hiro Kone + Futura
B.F.E.42 - SARIN "Psychic Stress" Lp Out Now!

B.F.E.42 – SARIN “Psychic Stress” Lp Out Now!

“One of the most evil projects currently emerging from the electronic underground, SΛRIN combines terrorizing industrial with menacing EBM and black shades of techno, wave and more […] the artist is also one half of Konkurs, a project with Blush Response, with an excellent release on Veleno Viola.” – S/\RIN’s Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Soundtrack: “The music...
Abst 04 - COLIN POTTER - "The Abominable Slowman" Lp. Pre-order

Abst 04 – COLIN POTTER – “The Abominable Slowman” Lp. Pre-order

Abst 04 – COLIN POTTER – “The Abominable Slowman” Lp. Pre-order This new release by Colin Potter, “The Abominable Slowman”, is the logical follow-on from his previous 2015 LP “Rank Sonata”. Like that album, there are elements that were recorded many years ago, but this work also contains new music. Again, the emphasis is on...


ABSTRACT TRIPS Vol.5 M.GEDDES GENGRAS (Los Angeles) M.Geddes Gengras es un músico de Los Ángeles referente en la música ambient experimental, avantgarde y la síntesis modular. Ha trabajado con artistas como The Congos, Sun Araw, Akron/family, Robedoor, Pocahaunted.. y editado en prestigiosos sellos de todo el mundo como RVNG Int, Umor Rex, Digitalis, Holy Mountain,...


Experimental – Industrial – Ebm – Kosmische Electronics Compilation 100 copies BRONZE TEETH (Uk) SANTIAGO (Us) RESTIVE PLAGGONA (Gr) COLLIN STRANGE (Us) CHRIS SAMUELS (Us) Industrial Detroit ( [PHYSICS] (Us) RAUM ZEIT (Uk/Nl) MAI MAI MAI (It) DONNA HARINGWEY (Uk) Artwork...
Distro News _ Coil, Michele Mercure, Marc Barreca, Silent Signals, K.Leimer ...

Distro News _ Coil, Michele Mercure, Marc Barreca, Silent Signals, K.Leimer …

Michele Mercure, Marc Barreca, Pep Llopis, K.Leimer, Suzanne Ciani split Katlyn Aurelia Smith, Sirynx, Silent Signals, reposición del disco de Maurizio Bianchi con Ryan Martin y del split de Coil / Zos Kia… También la caja de Fabio Orsi, la banda sonora de Mark of the devil …
8º Aniversario B.F.E.Records (Sam De La Rosa +Antiguo Régimen + Hagal)

8º Aniversario B.F.E.Records (Sam De La Rosa +Antiguo Régimen + Hagal)

8º Aniversario de B.F.E.Records en el Magazine. Con los conciertos de : SAM DE LA ROSA. El cantante de Led Er Est presentando el que será su próximo disco para Mannequin records. Texto promocional del disco en B.F.E: “Conocido especialmente por ser el cantante de Led Er Est, aquí encontrarás ecos de bandas sonoras de...
Abstrakce records: Label of the month in "That Special Record"

Abstrakce records: Label of the month in “That Special Record”

Read the interview here:
Abst 03 - JONAS REINHARDT / JÜRGEN MÜLLER - "The Encyclopedia Of Civilizations: Egypt" Lp OUT NOW!

Abst 03 – JONAS REINHARDT / JÜRGEN MÜLLER – “The Encyclopedia Of Civilizations: Egypt” Lp OUT NOW!

Abst 03 – JONAS REINHARDT / JÜRGEN MÜLLER – “The Encyclopedia Of Civilizations: Egypt” Lp The LP is the first volume on “The Encyclopedia of Civilizations“, a collection of split LP’s just started atAbstrakce where selected artists offer their own insight into fascinating ancient cultures. In this volume music is inspired by ancient Egypt and...
GLORIOUS DIN "Leading Stolen Horses" Reissue Lp + SARIN "Psychic Stress" Lp

GLORIOUS DIN “Leading Stolen Horses” Reissue Lp + SARIN “Psychic Stress” Lp

These are 2 records Im working in GLORIOUS DIN “Leading Stolen Horses” Lp Re-issue from this post punk classic! I Due to a misunderstanding this record is delayed until October. Onderstroom records and BFE will be releasing it in few months. I´m going to get in touch with all the people who pre-ordered it now....
B​.​F​.​E​.​39 - VIETNAM - Vietnam Lp (Out now!)

B​.​F​.​E​.​39 – VIETNAM – Vietnam Lp (Out now!)

“There’s little to be found about Vietnam, yet another extremely difficult band name to Google, but I do know that they existed for a short period of time as part of New Zealand’s post-punk movement and released this record in 1985 on Jayrem Records, a catch-all label for local artists. There’s the pre-requisite Joy Division...
B.F.E.39 - VIETNAM - Vietnam Lp Pre-order / GERMAN ARMY and GATTOPARDO Lp´s back in stock

B.F.E.39 – VIETNAM – Vietnam Lp Pre-order / GERMAN ARMY and GATTOPARDO Lp´s back in stock

B.F.E 39 – 300 copies ____________________ “There’s little to be found about Vietnam, yet another extremely difficult band name to Google, but I do know that they existed for a short period of time as part of New Zealand’s post-punk movement and released this record in 1985 on Jayrem Records, a catch-all label for local...
Abst02 – ORLANDO / TOMAGA “Playtime: Music For Videogames” LP

Abst02 – ORLANDO / TOMAGA “Playtime: Music For Videogames” LP

Vinyl edition from this imaginary soundtrack for videogames previously released on tape. “…the Association for the Re-Alignment of Magnetic Dust presents a split release between Orlando and Tomaga of music for video games. Inspired by fictional worlds, imagined quests, and surreal dreams, they soundtrack your adventures in gameland.” “Cathy Lucas’s new project Orlando, who share...
B.F.E.38 - MINIMAL MAN "The Shroud Of' LP Out Now!!!

B.F.E.38 – MINIMAL MAN “The Shroud Of’ LP Out Now!!!

See the Releases page for more info!
August _ Minimal Man Pre-order, Jonas Reinhardt - Jurgen Müller, ...

August _ Minimal Man Pre-order, Jonas Reinhardt – Jurgen Müller, …

Hi people, hope you are having a fresh and nice summer //  Some news from BFE records and Abstrakce records ::: B.F.E.38 – Now you can pre-order the Minimal Man reissue of their first record, a classic!! // Im very happy to  be releasing this record of one of my favorite bands ever // It includes...