B.F.E.26 – GATTOPARDO LP (Sold Out)
B.F.E 26 – 500 copies
13 euros / Sold Out
“Brazilian band Gattopardo´s debut album feature a sound that looks sweet, tense and haggard at equal parts, echoing the soul of Rikk Agnew during his tenure at Christian Death or Musta Paraati. This yields a motley assortment of damaged songs without sharp edges that would collapse when rub against the urban landscape of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
No-bullshit post-punk is their thing, as if The Cure of the Seventeen secondsalbum were stabbed to death by Part 1, A Touch of Histeria and other millitants that opted for the most nihilist option of anarchopunk. Even the use of portuguese does not undermine its urban character.
Understandibly, there is nothing the Amazon rainforest could do to counter the concrete jungle.” Elvis Von Doom
“Este es el disco debut de los brasileños Gattopardo. Dulces, tensos y macilentos, evocando el espíritu de Rikk Agnew, durante su época en Christian Death o los Musta Paraati, es decir, canciones dañadas sin ángulos muertos que colapsan cuando friccionan con el entorno urbano de Sao Paulo, Brasil.
Lo suyo es post-punk no moñas, que quiere decir eso, que aquí los Cure del Seventeen Seconds son cosidos a puñaladas por Part 1, A Touch Of Histery y demás militantes del anarco punk que se decantaron por su opción más nihilista, a la cual, ni la utilización del portugués rebaja su hedor urbanita.
Lógico en su entorno, ni la selva amazónica puede hacer nada contra el cemento.” Elvis Von Doom