B​.​F​.​E.07 – ESTRATEGIA LO CAPTO! “Gran bola de nieve” LP (Sold Out)

B.F.E 07 – 300 copies

Posthumous reissue from one of the best albums lately released in Spain, originally only available in CD through B-Core. The Valencian trio grinded discordant punk DIY 70’s, surf, and guided Massacre, Skeleton Crew or the first Pell Mell through the Rock’n’roll way. Guitars which sound in between Fred Frith and Man Or Astro Man?, with poisoning strokes, Caribbean imposted punk that seems faked by criminals and Asirian pre-historic library punks.


Reedición póstuma de uno de los mejores discos editados aquí, originalmente solo en CD por B-Core. El trío valenciano tritura disonante punk DIY 70’s, surf, y reconduce por la senda del rock’n’roll a Massacre, Skeleton Crew o los primeros Pell Mell. Guitarras a lo Fred Frith con espasmos etílicos, punk caribeño falsificado por delincuentes y troglo-punk asirio.