B​.​F​.​E.05 – DE HOJE HAELE “Jeg horte dig synge” 7” (Sold Out)

B.F.E 05 – 300 copies
Agotado / Sold Out

These Danish rock in the opposite way than most of their fellow countrymen creating a hot rock’n’roll pre punk which wades across the first Red Kross, Gizmos, Eater and Johnny Moped, along with some druggaddicting 70’s power pop. Peeping and totally unable pop which blows in the head of that humane nebula so-called “art” transforming it into a party that only allows entry to those who are inevitably chunk.
Look also for its amazing debut album on Hjernspind records.


Estos daneses tronan en el sentido inverso que muchos de sus compatriotas con un coctel de rock’n’roll pre punk que vadea a los primeros Red Kross, Gizmos, Eater y Jhonny Moped, con drogadicto power pop 70’s. Sicalíptico pop inepto como un botellazo en la sesera de esa extraña nebulosa humana llamada arte y la transforman en una fiesta donde solo esta permitida la entrada a zoquetes sin remisión.